Privacy Policy


We at DS Maju Gemilang Sdn Bhd ("DS Maju Gemilang Sdn Bhd", "we", "us" or "our") is mindful and committed to the protection of your personal information and your privacy.

As such and in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and its regulations ("PDPA"), we issue this Privacy Policy as our notice to all our valued customers and/ or prospective customers to inform you of your rights with regard to your personal data that has been and/ or will be collected and processed by us.


This Website may use cookie and other tracking technologies depending on the features offered. Cookie and tracking technologies are useful for gathering information such as browser type and operating system, tracking the number of visitors to the site, and understanding how visitors use the site. Cookies can also help customize the site for visitors. The cookies used in this Website will not identify the IP address and individual user.


For us to provide you with products and/or services that are launched from time to time (whether by us or in collaboration with Our Partners) ("Products and/ or Services") and to enable us to operate in an efficient and effective manner, we may have collected or will need to collect relevant personal information from you either manually or through our website in the course of your present or future dealings with us, our subsidiary(ies), our associated company(ies), our joint venture partners or collaborators including all of its shareholder(s), director(s), employee(s), supplier(s), contractor(s) and/ or its permitted person(s) (collectively "Our Partners").


The personal information collected by us or Our Partners include but is not limited to name, identity card number, passport number, gender, address, occupation, bank account details, contact information including e-mail address, mobile number, house number, facsimile number and office number, credit card details, business details, details of employer, race, religion or nationality.

The sources that we may obtain your personal data from includes but is not limited to booking forms, registration forms, online forms, agreements you have signed, name cards or any identity materials that you have distributed voluntarily; and business directory(ies) or listing(s) that you have subscribed to share your information, etc.


We collect and processes your personal data for purposes including but not limited to the following:

Arrangements with you

To process applications for and the provision of Products and/or Services;

Credit assessments and background checks as deemed necessary or appropriate by us or Our Partners;

Necessary performance of other obligations under the agreements, contracts and/ or arrangements;

Products and/ or Services

Delivery of Products and/ or Services to you;

Customer relationship management procedures whichever we deem necessary and fit;

Customer categorization activities in connection with the Products and/ or Services;

Such other purposes provided for in the particular Products and/ or Services or purposes ancillary to the same;

Communication and/ or Updates to you

To communicate with you;

To inform you of our new Products and/ or Services;

To respond to your queries;

To send you promotional material;

For marketing purposes and research purposes;

Legal Compliance

Prevention, hindrance, reporting of any crime including but not limited to fraud, bribery and money laundering;

Compliance to any legal or regulatory requirements relating to the provision of Products and/ or Services and to make disclosure under the requirements of any applicable law, regulation, direction, court order, order, by-law, guideline, circular, code applicable to us or any associated, subsidiary, related companies of our group;

For all other purposes incidental and associated with any of the above.


Generally, your personal data with us will be kept confidential. However, we may disclose your personal data to the following categories of third parties in conjunction with the Purposes:

Our subsidiary, associated or related companies;

Our business partners such as online business affiliates, retailers, distributors, agents, merchant that provide, supply, distribute or deal in general with our Products and/ or Services in connection with our business and in relation to our programs;

Our auditors, business consultants, accountants, lawyers or other professional advisers and/or consultants as we deem necessary and appropriate;

Our sub-contractors or third party service or product providers as we deem necessary or appropriate, including content providers or aggregators or marketing companies or entities;

Any person to whom we are compelled to or required under law or in response to a local or state or federal authority, industry regulator, enforcement agency, statutory authority, court of laws, tribunal, arbitration centre, commission or council or association legally authorized by law.

Any relevant Credit Reporting Agencies for the purpose of conduct or continue to conduct credit checks for credit review, credit evaluation, debt recovery purpose, and legal documentation consequent to contract(s) or facility(ies) granted or to be or continue to be granted by financial institution(s) or other persons.



You may at any time make a written request to DS Maju Gemilang Sdn Bhd to correct any personal data of yours that is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or out-of-date and DS Maju Gemilang Sdn Bhd shall, upon receipt of your written request for correction(s), take all necessary measures to give effect to such correction(s).


Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, you may at any time withdraw your consent to us processing any personal data of yours or to any part or portion of the same by sending to us at the address set out below a written notice of withdrawal and within the period prescribed under the PDPA. We shall take all necessary measures to give effect to your withdrawal of consent, to the extent that such withdrawal does not conflict with any of our other legal obligations.


If you do not wish to have your personal data shared with any other party, or if you do not wish to be solicited for products or services offered by us or any other parties including third parties, kindly inform us in writing at the communication information as given below.


You shall, upon written request, be granted access to all personal data held or stored or processed by us. To avoid confusion, "access" for the purposes of this provision shall mean notification of such personal data of yours that is processed by or on behalf of us and to have a copy of such personal data communicated or conveyed to you in an intelligible form of our choosing.

Please direct any requests related to Your Rights to the following:

Data Protection Officer

Address : Lot B, Lot C & Lot H, Sungai Besi Autoworld (Selangor Turf Club), Jalan Kuda Emas, 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Telephone : +60163808499

Email :


It is obligatory for you to supply your personal data to us in the most accurate manner. Failing which, we are unable to process your personal data on your behalf and for the Purpose stated above and all relationships created or to be created between us shall then be terminated and ceased to be in effect immediately.

In the event you provide us with personal data that does not belong to you, you represent and warrant that you have been authorized to release such personal data to us for our collection and processing in accordance to this Privacy Policy and shall indemnify us for any loss, damages or claims arising from the same.


We review and update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect the changes in law and business practices. We would advise you to obtain the latest version of our Privacy Policy by contacting us or visiting our website to ensure that you are familiar with the latest version. By continuing to deal with us after communication of our latest Privacy Policy, you are deemed to have accepted and consented to the revision and update contained therein.


You are given notice that the Products and/or Services will only be made available to you upon your accepting and expressly consenting to the terms of this Privacy Policy, where such express acceptance and consent shall be evidenced by you clicking or checking or indicating accordingly on the relevant consent portion of the registration forms or such other documents as may be furnished to you, as the case may be.

By so indicating your acceptance of the term of this Privacy Policy, you shall be deemed to have expressly consented to the processing of your personal data by DS Maju Gemilang Sdn Bhd or any of its authorized agents, employees, partners and/or contractors for purposes as outlined.

You hereby agree and accept that by registering and/or continuing to use the Products and/or Services, you authorize and consent to your personal data being processed by and where required, disclosed to classes of third parties as identified by DS Maju Gemilang Sdn Bhd for the purposes of DS Maju Gemilang Sdn Bhd providing the Products and/or Services to you. For the avoidance of doubt, you also hereby explicitly consent to DS Maju Gemilang Sdn Bhd processing any sensitive personal data relevant for such purposes.


This Notice is provided in Bahasa Malaysia and English. In the event of conflict or inconsistency between the Notice in Bahasa Malaysia and English, the Notice in English shall prevail.


Welcome to the Beta version of the new DS Maju Gemilang website – intended for final public testing before the launch of the first “real” version of the new website. During this Beta phase, we will be fine-tuning the site’s content, navigation and layout based on feedback we receive from you.